The Sons of RA is essentially a work of imaginative fiction to some degree inspired by delusional conspiracy theories. Within that context of fantastical reality it does seek to compare the millennial patriarchy of evolving religious cultural iconography with the much more recent feverish embrace of consumer capitalism replacing faith in a superhuman controller with belief in conspicuous material aspiration.
What's been said about it:
"It is a work of genius. A holy/unholy mixup of Dark Shadows and Liquid Sky and Kevin Rowe and experimental 1970s cinema and the Netflix series Maniac. Also, last but not least, one of the Egyptian erotica books published by Black Lace years ago called The Hand of Amun (very well written for the genre)." - Dr. Kathleen Bryson, filmmaker/novelist
The film, in part, addresses constructive subjectivity. One example of this is how we construct our own reality through the filter of our own perceptual system. In some way, not currently scientifically understood, it appears that consciousness emerges from perceptual experience. So in a sense we are our own simulation or construct of our interpretation of objective reality as mediated by our senses projected onto the potentially distorting mirror of what we think of as the self. This distorting mirror deforms reality in varying degrees depending on belief systems, narcosis, neurosis, psychosis, mass media, advertising and constellations of other possible filters. The Sons of RA deliberately weaves an open interpretative narrative so everyone can watch their own movie.
The video combines live action, ink drawings, animation and digital effects, brewing a heightened intensively layered hyper-realist
imaging process.
imaging process.
We wanted to steer away from conventional Hollywood story format toward exploring an irrational dream topography. The words dream, drama and trauma are related in the German for dream, 'traum'. Trauma resolution is central to cinematic drama. This wobbly, free radical molecule like integration enables a high degree of improvisation around a flexible structure. Cinema then experienced as a form of public dreaming as initially random juxtapositions bond conceptually within a shifting imaginary framework to generate new meaning.